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  • Monday, July 15, 2024 8:08 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    Upcoming Hearings:
    Wednesday, July 17th @5pm HST - Lanai Planning Commission

    Tuesday, July 23rd @9am HST - Maui Planning Commission

    Written testimony: if you have NOT yet submitted written testimony you are still eligible to do so. Please refer to information below on how to submit written testimony. 

    FLYER FOR DISTRIBUTION - please email & distribute to people impacted by this bill. We want to encourage them to submit testimony both written and in-person!


    The July 23rd meeting is a continuation from the June 25th MPC hearing. 

    Clarifying Information:

    • If you testified on June 25th in-person or virtually you are NOT eligible for additional oral testimony
    • If you were signed up to testify please make sure you are present in-person or online on Tuesday, July 9th. They will be calling testifiers in the order they signed up on June 25th (testifier list is linked below)
    • If you DID NOT sign up on June 25th or testify that day you ARE eligible for testimony. Please show up in-person or virtually to put your name on the list. New testifiers whether in-person or virtually will be heard after the already signed up people from June 25th. It is important to get your name on the list if you plan to testify. 



    It is NOT necessary to submit separate/additional written testimony to the Molokai Planning Commission. They are being provided all written testimony that has been submitted. 

    Additionally, unless you are a Molokai resident please do not show up to testify in-person or virtually. If you would like to watch the meeting you can use the login info provided on the agenda linked below. 


    ***AS A REMINDER*** This is the County Bill to phase out STRs on the Minatoya List zoned A1/A2 - you can use this language when you reference the Bill. Please do not reference any other bills or community plans in your testimony. 

    Written Testimony Submission Guidelines

    • Agenda Announcement: The agenda for the Planning Commission meeting will be announced 7 days prior to the meeting.

    • Testimony Submission: After the agenda is released, you can submit testimony.

    • Written Testimony Submission:

      • Email: Send your testimony to: 

      • Deadline: Testimony is due no later than 12 pm one business day before the meeting (Monday, July 8th at 12 pm).

      • Address: Department of Planning, One Main Plaza, 2200 Main Street, Suite 315, Wailuku, Maui, Hawaiʻi 96793

    Oral Testimony (Virtual - MAUI PLANNING COMMISSION):

    • The Planning Commission uses Webex for their meetings. Please download the app to your phone or computer ahead of time.

    • Meeting Info: 

    • To watch or submit oral testimony:

    • Meeting ID: 2661 470 6979 Password: 072324

      • When you login, you can indicate if you are there to testify, and then you will be placed in the queue.

    • Oral testimony will be limited to 1-3 minutes per person.

    In-Person Testimony (MAUI PLANNING COMMISSION):

      • Address: 

    Planning Department Conference Room, Kalana Pakui Building
    250 South High Street, Wailuku, HI 96793
    • The meeting will start at 9 a.m. Please plan to arrive by 8:30 a.m. to ensure you can get inside.

    • Tips for Submitting Testimony:

    • Be concise

    • Include supporting materials or detailed descriptions as attachments

    • Prepare a written summary of your oral testimony

    • Be respectful and courteous

    • Offer solutions and provide Facts

    • Clearly state your position at the beginning and end of your testimony

    Framework for Written Testimony

    STR Industry Professional:

    Subject line for email: Testimony of [Your Name] Regarding the Phasing Out of Short-Term Rentals in Maui County

    [example of testimony talking points click here]

    STR Owner:

    Subject line for email: Testimony of [Your Name] Regarding the Phasing Out of Short-Term Rentals in Maui County

    [example of testimony talking points click here]

    Local Business Owner (Restaurants, Tour Operators & More):

    Subject line for email: Testimony of [Your Name] Regarding the Phasing Out of Short-Term Rentals in Maui County

    [example of testimony talking points click here]

    Do’s & Don’ts for Your Testimony


    • Focus on your personal experience

    • Write your comment down, stick to the script

    • Keep your oral comments short

    • Be respectful, thank Council for the opportunity to speak


    • Deviate from the prepared comment

    • Respond to the opposition’s message or argument

    • Use an impolite or disrespectful tone toward the Council

    Instructions for Preparing Oral Testimony from Written Testimony

    1. Identify Key Points:

      • Review your written testimony and highlight the main points.

    2. Keep it Concise:

      • Aim for a maximum of 300 words.

    3. Structure Your Oral Testimony:

      • Introduction: Briefly introduce yourself and state your position.

      • Main Points: Select 2-3 key arguments.

      • Conclusion: Summarize your main points and make a final appeal.

    4. Practice Your Delivery:

      • Practice reading your testimony aloud.

    Framework for Oral Testimony

    PDF of this Information

  • Thursday, July 04, 2024 7:06 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    Upcoming Hearings:
    Tuesday, July 9th @ 9am HST - Maui Planning Commission

    Wednesday, July 10th @ 9am HST - Molokai Planning Commission

    Written testimony: if you have NOT yet submitted written testimony you are still eligible to do so. Please refer to information below on how to submit written testimony. 

    FLYER FOR DISTRIBUTION - please email & distribute to people impacted by this bill. We want to encourage them to submit testimony both written and in-person!


    The July 9th meeting is a continuation from the June 25th MPC hearing. 

    Clarifying Information:

    • If you testified on June 25th in-person or virtually you are NOT eligible for additional oral testimony
    • If you were signed up to testify please make sure you are present in-person or online on Tuesday, July 9th. They will be calling testifiers in the order they signed up on June 25th (testifier list is linked below)
    • If you DID NOT sign up on June 25th or testify that day you ARE eligible for testimony. Please show up in-person or virtually to put your name on the list. New testifiers whether in-person or virtually will be heard after the already signed up people from June 25th. It is important to get your name on the list if you plan to testify. 

    IMPORTANT UPDATE: the MPC has indicated that due to not being able to hold a quorum that the July 9th meeting will last approximately 1 hour from 9am - 10am HST. This means that the meeting will likely be continued to a third meeting. It is very important that people still show up in-person and virtually to show our continued opposition to this bill. We understand that most people will not have a chance to testify that day but if you are on Maui and available to go to the Planning Commission office PLEASE DO SO. 



    It is NOT necessary to submit separate/additional written testimony to the Molokai Planning Commission. They are being provided all written testimony that has been submitted. 

    Additionally, unless you are a Molokai resident please do not show up to testify in-person or virtually. If you would like to watch the meeting you can use the login info provided on the agenda linked below. 


    ***AS A REMINDER*** This is the County Bill to phase out STRs on the Minatoya List zoned A1/A2 - you can use this language when you reference the Bill. Please do not reference any other bills or community plans in your testimony. 

    Written Testimony Submission Guidelines

    • Agenda Announcement: The agenda for the Planning Commission meeting will be announced 7 days prior to the meeting.

    • Testimony Submission: After the agenda is released, you can submit testimony.

    • Written Testimony Submission:

      • Email: Send your testimony to: 

      • Deadline: Testimony is due no later than 12 pm one business day before the meeting (Monday, July 8th at 12 pm).

      • Address: Department of Planning, One Main Plaza, 2200 Main Street, Suite 315, Wailuku, Maui, Hawaiʻi 96793

    Oral Testimony (Virtual - MAUI PLANNING COMMISSION):

    • The Planning Commission uses Webex for their meetings. Please download the app to your phone or computer ahead of time.

    • Meeting Info: 

    • To watch or submit oral testimony:

    • Meeting ID: 2663 645 5106 Password: 070924

      • When you login, you can indicate if you are there to testify, and then you will be placed in the queue.

    • Oral testimony will be limited to 1-3 minutes per person.

    In-Person Testimony (MAUI PLANNING COMMISSION):

      • Address: 

    Planning Department Conference Room, Kalana Pakui Building
    250 South High Street, Wailuku, HI 96793
    • The meeting will start at 9 a.m. Please plan to arrive by 8:30 a.m. to ensure you can get inside.

    • Tips for Submitting Testimony:

    • Be concise

    • Include supporting materials or detailed descriptions as attachments

    • Prepare a written summary of your oral testimony

    • Be respectful and courteous

    • Offer solutions and provide Facts

    • Clearly state your position at the beginning and end of your testimony

    Framework for Written Testimony

    STR Industry Professional:

    Subject line for email: Testimony of [Your Name] Regarding the Phasing Out of Short-Term Rentals in Maui County

    [example of testimony talking points click here]

    STR Owner:

    Subject line for email: Testimony of [Your Name] Regarding the Phasing Out of Short-Term Rentals in Maui County

    [example of testimony talking points click here]

    Local Business Owner (Restaurants, Tour Operators & More):

    Subject line for email: Testimony of [Your Name] Regarding the Phasing Out of Short-Term Rentals in Maui County

    [example of testimony talking points click here]

    Do’s & Don’ts for Your Testimony


    • Focus on your personal experience

    • Write your comment down, stick to the script

    • Keep your oral comments short

    • Be respectful, thank Council for the opportunity to speak


    • Deviate from the prepared comment

    • Respond to the opposition’s message or argument

    • Use an impolite or disrespectful tone toward the Council

    Instructions for Preparing Oral Testimony from Written Testimony

    1. Identify Key Points:

      • Review your written testimony and highlight the main points.

    2. Keep it Concise:

      • Aim for a maximum of 300 words.

    3. Structure Your Oral Testimony:

      • Introduction: Briefly introduce yourself and state your position.

      • Main Points: Select 2-3 key arguments.

      • Conclusion: Summarize your main points and make a final appeal.

    4. Practice Your Delivery:

      • Practice reading your testimony aloud.

    Framework for Oral Testimony

    PDF of this Information

  • Friday, June 21, 2024 4:49 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    Download a copy of our flyer about the upcoming STR phase out here. You can email / send this to local businesses and other people who will be impacted by the upcoming County Legislation. 

  • Monday, June 17, 2024 7:10 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    UPDATE: Additional hearing will be held Tuesday, July 9th - more details to be announced soon. 

    How to Testify with the Maui Planning Commission

    Before proceeding with your testimony, it's essential to understand the role of the planning commission and how they operate in the decision-making process. Planning commission members are volunteer citizens appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the County Council to serve as a voice of the community. They don’t gain anything from their decisions. They are not the ultimate deciders of this issue but advise the Mayor, County Council, and Planning Director. Their recommendation goes to the 9 County Council members, who ultimately vote to pass, deny, or modify the measure. At this point, suggesting modifications to the proposal isn't beneficial. Respectfully ask for the Planning Commission to recommend denial.

    Role of the Planning Commission:

    • Advises the Mayor, County Council, and Planning Director in matters concerning planning programs.

    • The general plan and revisions thereof are reviewed by the Planning Director or at the request of the County Council. After public hearings, the reviewer transmits findings and recommendations to the County Council for consideration and action.

    • Reviews other proposed land use ordinances and amendments prepared by the Planning Director or the County Council and, after public hearings, transmits findings and recommendations to the County Council for consideration and action.

    • Acts as the authority in all matters relating to the Coastal Zone Management Law.

    • Adopts rules pursuant to land use ordinances or law.

    NOTE: The Planning Commission is separate from the County Council and advises/guides the Council. They will vote on their recommendation to pass on to the County Council, but they do not create laws or pass bills.

    For More Information: Visit the Maui Planning Commission Website

    Link to the Agenda + Copy of the Bill + Dept. of Planning Minatoya Report

    ***AS A REMINDER*** This is the County Bill to phase out STRs on the Minatoya List zoned A1/A2 - you can use this language when you reference the Bill. Please do not reference any other bills or community plans in your testimony. 

    Written Testimony Submission Guidelines

    • Agenda Announcement: The agenda for the Planning Commission meeting will be announced 7 days prior to the meeting.

    • Testimony Submission: After the agenda is released, you can submit testimony.

    • Written Testimony Submission:

      • Email: Send your testimony to: 

      • Deadline: Testimony is due no later than 12 pm one business day before the meeting (Monday, June 24th at 12 pm).

      • Address: Department of Planning, One Main Plaza, 2200 Main Street, Suite 315, Wailuku, Maui, Hawaiʻi 96793

    Oral Testimony (Virtual):

    • Meeting ID: 2661 310 6605 Password: MPC1

      • When you login, you can indicate if you are there to testify, and then you will be placed in the queue.

    • Oral testimony will be limited to 1-3 minutes per person.

    In-Person Testimony:

    • Due to the anticipated size of the group, the June 25th Planning Commission meeting will be held at the Council Chamber.

      • Address: 200 S. High Street, 8th floor, Wailuku, HI 96793

    • The meeting will start at 9 a.m. Please plan to arrive by 8:00 a.m. to ensure you can get inside. 

    • PLEASE NOTE: Parking is limited in Wailuku and most of it is limited to two hours. We recommend uber, taxi, carpooling to help with congestion and to make things easier. If you do drive you will likely need to leave every two hours to move your car. Consider parking elsewhere and ubering/taking a taxi to the Council Chamber. 

    Tips for Submitting Testimony:

    • Be concise

    • Include supporting materials or detailed descriptions as attachments

    • Prepare a written summary of your oral testimony

    • Be respectful and courteous

    • Offer solutions and provide Facts

    • Clearly state your position at the beginning and end of your testimony

    Framework for Written Testimony

    STR Industry Professional:

    Subject line for email: Testimony of [Your Name] Regarding the Phasing Out of Short-Term Rentals in Maui County

    [example of testimony talking points click here]

    STR Owner:

    Subject line for email: Testimony of [Your Name] Regarding the Phasing Out of Short-Term Rentals in Maui County

    [example of testimony talking points click here]

    Do’s & Don’ts for Your Testimony


    • Focus on your personal experience

    • Write your comment down, stick to the script

    • Keep your oral comments short

    • Be respectful, thank Council for the opportunity to speak


    • Deviate from the prepared comment

    • Respond to the opposition’s message or argument

    • Use an impolite or disrespectful tone toward the Council

    Instructions for Preparing Oral Testimony from Written Testimony

    1. Identify Key Points:

      • Review your written testimony and highlight the main points.

    2. Keep it Concise:

      • Aim for a maximum of 300 words.

    3. Structure Your Oral Testimony:

      • Introduction: Briefly introduce yourself and state your position.

      • Main Points: Select 2-3 key arguments.

      • Conclusion: Summarize your main points and make a final appeal.

    4. Practice Your Delivery:

      • Practice reading your testimony aloud.

    Framework for Oral Testimony

    PDF of this Information

  • Thursday, June 13, 2024 2:19 PM | Executive Director (Administrator)


    Join MVRA via Zoom

    Wednesday, June 19th at 9am HST

    for a meeting to discuss the upcoming June 25th Planning Commission Hearing. 

    In-Person Event with AirBnb & MVRA

    Thursday, June 20th 6:30pm - 8:00pm

    Maui Brewing Company, 605 Lipoa Parkway, Kihei HI, 96751





    Maui Vacation Rental Association is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

    Topic: MVRA Meeting 

    Time: Jun 19, 2024 09:00 AM Hawaii

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 822 6399 8535

    Passcode: 089119


    One tap mobile

    +16699006833,,82263998535#,,,,*089119# US (San Jose)

    +16694449171,,82263998535#,,,,*089119# US


    Dial by your location

    • +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

    • +1 669 444 9171 US

    • +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

    • +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

    • +1 719 359 4580 US

    • +1 253 205 0468 US

    • +1 564 217 2000 US

    • +1 646 931 3860 US

    • +1 689 278 1000 US

    • +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

    • +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

    • +1 305 224 1968 US

    • +1 309 205 3325 US

    • +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

    • +1 360 209 5623 US

    • +1 386 347 5053 US

    • +1 507 473 4847 US

    Meeting ID: 822 6399 8535

    Passcode: 089119

    Find your local number:


    Please use link below to read the blog post by MVRA Board Member and Hawaii Life Realtor, Jeremy Stice, on the upcoming STR Bill. 


    Travel Tech Releases New Economic Analysis on Costs of Phasing Out Legal Short-Term Rentals on Maui



    The agenda for the June 25th Planning Commission Meeting will be released no later than 7 (seven) days prior to the meeting.

    At that time the window will be open to submit testimony. Please do not send testimony prior to confirmation of the agenda. 

    After the agenda is confirmed we will send out detailed information on where to send testimony. 


    • MVRA is creating a step by step document on where to submit testimony and talking points for your testimony
    • MVRA is actively engaged with STR platforms Airbnb and Expedia (VRBO) to coordinate activities and leverage resources.
    • MVRA is also actively engaged with other industry organizations including HIMAST to mobilize advocates on Maui and throughout the state.
    • MVRA is in discussions with expert attorneys to support our industry as we push back on proposed policies.

  • Wednesday, May 15, 2024 5:59 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    MAHALO to everyone who has reached out and wants to help oppose the newly proposed County Bill to phase out Minatoya condo short term rental properties. Continuing to advocate for Maui as a whole and the people who call her home as well as those who love to visit of paramount importance.


    We are aware of some inquiries and evaluation into the legal implications of SB2919. There are a number of different legal strategies being discussed at this time and the merits of each are being evaluated. 

    With this, it is important to note that before a legal process potentially ensues, there is still a different process of going through the Maui County planning commission and County Council to be voted on in order for this to be implemented. Oral and written testimony opposing this bill is crucial and we will be working to help deliver some effective talking points on this front. 

    Any lawsuit of this scale is going to be best strategized and served with a coordinated effort, which is what HIMAST and the individual county organizations are working on. 

    Your current best course action is to support the island organizations with membership and donations. Please help to spread the word amongst your network, social media, and other vehicles for people to join MVRA and HIMAST. 

    We need people to join our island organizations so that we can meet this challenge with the resources, strategy, and execution plan to succeed.

    Short term rental properties and their Maui operations are Hyper-Local and these proposed bills are also fought by voting appropriate council members that support local small business. Promoting these interests over global multi-billion dollar corporate interests can be very influential in shaping Maui’s Future.


    With the passage of SB2919, the County of Maui has announced that they will introduce a bill to phase out of Apartment Zoned STRs on the Minatoya List.

    • We are aware that a copy of the proposed Bill has been circulated. Please note that this is not the official Bill and it is likely to change some before it is introduced in June.
    • The Bill is scheduled to be heard by the Maui Planning Commission on June 25, 2024 with Molokai and Lanai Planning Commission hearings to follow.


    • We are working with our partners to schedule a variety of meetings in the next few weeks. This will include a variety of in person and virtual. 
    • SAVE THE DATE: Thursday, May 23rd 5:30pm HST we will be hosting a virtual meeting with AirBnb. Stay tuned for invite and additional details. 
    • At these meetings we will cover in more detail:
    • Action plan for fighting this bill 
    • Talking points for testimony 
    • Strategy for testimony


    The first part of this year has proven to be a busy one! We have been hard at work behind the scenes working to protect our industry.

    • State Legislative Season - MVRA helped to defeat over 20 state bills during this past session that were harmful to our industry with the support of other island alliances and the new statewide advocacy organization- Hawaii Mid and Short-Term Rental Alliance (HIMAST).
    • MVRA Board Members traveled to Oahu to meet with State Legislators, meet with industry partners, testify at the Capital and conduct interviews for media
    • Meeting with the Mayor - In March our MVRA Board of Directors along with industry professionals met with Mayor Bissen and members from his team. We provided them with a presentation that can be found here
    • A few key a takeaways from the meeting:
      • The mayor and his staff were very attentive and gave us 90 minutes to share our attached presentation, insert personal stories, and then conduct a quick Q&A. Our intentions were to help establish that we are a huge proponent of affordable housing here on Maui and that legal vacation rentals help make this happen as well as numerous other important components of Maui’s overall vitality. 
      • The massive property tax contributions from STR properties were initially questioned but then verified by their own staff and they were surprised to see this.
      • The local job impact stats that we presented had a significant impact. 
      • A local gentlemen who owns and operates a cleaning business in West Maui that was born and raised in Maui spoke to his reliance on the industry and how it allows him to pay his team well and provide for his family here. 
      • The mayor was non-committal if he intended to pursue Minatoya properties for potential conversion to long term and stated that he needed to discuss with his corporate council on the legality of this before further exploring.
      • The mayor appeared to be open to meeting with us more in the future


    • MVRA is actively engaged with STR platforms Airbnb and Expedia (VRBO) to coordinate activities and leverage resources.
    • MVRA is also actively engaged with other industry organizations including HIMAST to mobilize advocates on Maui and throughout the state.
    • MVRA is in discussions with expert attorneys to support our industry as we push back on proposed policies.
    • MVRA is currently transitioning a new Executive Director. Throughout this process, the organization remains active and continues to lead advocacy efforts on Maui.
    • MVRA continues to add members to strengthen its Board of Directors to advocate on behalf of the Maui STR community.

  • Saturday, May 04, 2024 5:38 PM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    MAHALO to everyone who participated during the State Legislative session. It was a hard-fought battle and we greatly appreciate your efforts. We cannot do this without your ongoing support.

    Below are critical updates through this past week. Become a member or encourage others to join to receive the latest news on matters that impact our industry.


    • MVRA helped to defeat over 20 state bills during this past session that were harmful to our industry with the support of other island alliances and the new statewide advocacy organization- Hawaii Mid and Short-Term Rental Alliance (HIMAST).
    • SB2919, which grants counties full control over short-term rentals, unfortunately passed the legislature, and was recently signed into law by the Governor.
    • This legislation takes effect January 1, 2025.


    With the passage of SB2919, the County of Maui has announced that they will introduce a bill to phase out STRs on the Minatoya List.

    • A draft of the Bill is not yet available, but we will let you know when it has been issued.
    • As described by Mayor Bissen, the measure would:
    • Phase out all STRs on the Minatoya List located in West Maui effective July 1, 2025.
    • Phase out all STRs on the Minatoya List located in all other parts of Maui effective January 1, 2026.
    • The Bill is scheduled to be heard by the Maui Planning Commission on June 25, 2024 with Molokai and Lanai Planning Commission hearings to follow.


    Your support is needed more than ever! We need everyone from the STR industry to join our fight to kill this Bill.

    • Recruit - Please reach out to family and friends on the island as well as your property managers, cleaners and vendors who work within the industry. We will need their voices to be heard!
    • Testimony - Start drafting testimony – emphasize your personal story. In addition, be sure to highlight how phasing out STRs will hurt the local economy and community. MVRA will be distributing key messages very soon.
    • Join MVRA - Encourage others to join MVRA to support this effort and stay informed!
    • Become a Leader - If you are interested in becoming more involved, we are actively seeking new Board Members. Please send us a message if you are interested.


    • MVRA is actively engaged with STR platforms Airbnb and Expedia to coordinate activities and leverage resources.
    • MVRA is also actively engaged with other industry organizations including HIMAST to mobilize advocates on Maui and throughout the state.
    • MVRA is in discussions with expert attorneys to support our industry as we push back on proposed policies.
    • MVRA is currently transitioning a new Executive Director. Throughout this process, the organization remains active and continues to lead advocacy efforts on Maui.
    • MVRA continues to add members to strengthen its Board of Directors to advocate on behalf of the Maui STR community. We encourage you to reach out if you’re interested in joining the Board.

  • Friday, February 16, 2024 10:06 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)


    The mid and short-term rental industry is under attack in the state legislature. Two Bills - HB1838 and SB2919 - would give the Counties full authority to phase-out rentals in any zoning. This includes disallowing rentals for less than 180 days, negating the important HILSTRA lawsuit win. It also includes the Minatoya list which encompasses a large percentage of Short-Term rentals on Maui. The Statewide organization - HIMAST (Hawai’i Mid and Short-term Rental Alliance), along with the island alliances are focused on stopping these Bills. We need your help!

    Both Bills will have another hearing. As we are only given 48 hours notice of Hearing dates, we are asking that you prepare now.

    Here's What You Can Do to

    Help Defeat These Bills:

    • Register on the State Capitol Website to enable testimony submission. What this VIDEO to learn how.

    • Prepare your testimony now. Tell your personal story of how your life in Hawai'i will be imapcted if they take away your ability to rent your unit (or be employed in the short-term rental industry). You can easily cut and paste or attach a document to your testimony submission once the Hearing is set.

    • Call or email your district legislators. Look them up HERE. As a constituent, you are VERY important to them. The following legislators are key at the next Hearings: Senator McKelvey, Representative Cochran and Representative Amato.

    • Ask your cleaners, contractors and other industry supporters to also submit testimony. Personal stories from residents are best. However, to make it easy here is a template that you can customizer for their use: STR Supporter Testimony

    • Reach out to residents and important visiting contractors that you've accommodated for testimony. (Displaced Residents, military, traveling nurses, emergency workers) Share with them this template to submit their personal stories of staying in a short-term rental: STR Guest Testimony

    Please take these five steps today to save our industry. Even getting one Cleaner/ Contractor and one former guest will triple your impact. Support for these Bills has outpaced opposition so far. We can change that!

    Please prepare now so that we will be ready with more testimony for our legislators to consider.  

    Together, we can do this! 

    If you have any questions please feel free to email me



    MVRA Board of Directors

  • Thursday, December 07, 2023 1:39 PM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    We support the Malama Maui pin.

    The pin, named after the Hawaiian phrase "Malama Maui," signifying "Caring for Maui," hopes to offer solace to residents while providing guidance for visitors. Its fundamental purpose is to establish a supportive environment for our residents by offering a visual cue to visitors, signifying the importance of refraining from inquiring about the experiences of Maui residents, thus respecting their privacy. Lisa Paulson, executive director for Maui Hotel and Lodging Association said “The Malama Maui Pin coordinates beautifully with all our messaging on how to visit Maui with respect and compassion. Many survivors are not ready to share their experiences with others.” 

    This seemingly small gesture, embodied by the Malama Maui Pin, hopes to serve, and safeguard our people and provides a visual cue for visitors to understand how to engage or not engage with our community. 

    To obtain Malama Maui Pins, visit or e-mail

  • Tuesday, December 05, 2023 1:34 PM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    MVRA Needs Your Attention

    and Support!

    Both the State Legislators and Local Council are convinced that our short-term rentals are the only solution to the fire victim housing issue. This may result in the amortization or phasing-out of legal rentals on Maui. 




    Joining MVRA will ensure the organization can continue this work and fund a professional state lobbyist to combat harmful regulation. If we don’t all pitch in, we will continue to have our rights and income taken away at the whim of legislators and the hotel lobbyists that support them.

    Earlier this year Civil Beat reported on the top Lobbyist expenditures and how much was spent by different entities. They remarked on Airbnb and Turo being in the top 30 along with Young Brothers and Hilton Vacations. Here is what we found when digging into the lobbyist and campaign contributions data deeper:


    Hotel and resorts spent 16 times more than the vacation rental industry with $623K raised in campaign contributions during the same time frame.


    Hotels were the largest spenders on lobbyists with $1.6 million over the last 5 years, 5% of total lobbyist funds. Unions spent $903K representing 3% overall, while construction and vacation rental platforms accounted for about $722K and $750K, and 2% each respectively.

    We are being outspent politically on every level and now feeling the results of that.

    The legal vacation rental industry is a large and legitimate industry in Hawaii, raising billions in revenue, property taxes and visitor spending, but individual ownership makes it a fractured industry, hard for legislators and county and state administrations to understand. It is easier for them to deal with big corporations, top down one size fits all legislation, management with big payrolls and unions. 

    Source: Hawaii Tourism Authority, DBEDT


    However, the state and counties derive a lot of funding and jobs from the legal vacation rental trade, and visitors and mid term renters including nurses and doctors depend on and relish the diverse options for accommodation. Owners of vacation rentals are local families. This is one of the only ways we give our local residents ways to participate directly in the hospitality industry. Other owners of vacation rentals are our return visitors, living part time in the islands. They are some of Hawaiiʻs most engaged visitors, supporting small businesses, caring for the environment, taking care of residents that work in the industry, and paying premium tax rates for the privilege to do so.

    We need more cohesion in the industry to share and educate the legislators and increase the volume of our collective voices. We are working hard to protect your interest in the short-term rental industry. Please Join or Donate today at

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