Upcoming Hearings:
Wednesday, July 17th @5pm HST - Lanai Planning Commission
Tuesday, July 23rd @9am HST - Maui Planning Commission
Written testimony: if you have NOT yet submitted written testimony you are still eligible to do so. Please refer to information below on how to submit written testimony.
FLYER FOR DISTRIBUTION - please email & distribute to people impacted by this bill. We want to encourage them to submit testimony both written and in-person!
The July 23rd meeting is a continuation from the June 25th MPC hearing.
Clarifying Information:
- If you testified on June 25th in-person or virtually you are NOT eligible for additional oral testimony
- If you were signed up to testify please make sure you are present in-person or online on Tuesday, July 9th. They will be calling testifiers in the order they signed up on June 25th (testifier list is linked below)
- If you DID NOT sign up on June 25th or testify that day you ARE eligible for testimony. Please show up in-person or virtually to put your name on the list. New testifiers whether in-person or virtually will be heard after the already signed up people from June 25th. It is important to get your name on the list if you plan to testify.
It is NOT necessary to submit separate/additional written testimony to the Molokai Planning Commission. They are being provided all written testimony that has been submitted.
Additionally, unless you are a Molokai resident please do not show up to testify in-person or virtually. If you would like to watch the meeting you can use the login info provided on the agenda linked below.
***AS A REMINDER*** This is the County Bill to phase out STRs on the Minatoya List zoned A1/A2 - you can use this language when you reference the Bill. Please do not reference any other bills or community plans in your testimony.
Written Testimony Submission Guidelines
Agenda Announcement: The agenda for the Planning Commission meeting will be announced 7 days prior to the meeting.
Testimony Submission: After the agenda is released, you can submit testimony.
Written Testimony Submission:
Email: Send your testimony to: planning@mauicounty.gov
Deadline: Testimony is due no later than 12 pm one business day before the meeting (Monday, July 8th at 12 pm).
Address: Department of Planning, One Main Plaza, 2200 Main Street, Suite 315, Wailuku, Maui, Hawaiʻi 96793
Oral Testimony (Virtual - MAUI PLANNING COMMISSION):
The Planning Commission uses Webex for their meetings. Please download the app to your phone or computer ahead of time.
Meeting Info:
To watch or submit oral testimony: https://mauicounty.webex.com/mauicounty/j.php?MTID=me12aef9d9eb30d0bd091b0a81c11f983
Meeting ID: 2661 470 6979 Password: 072324
Oral testimony will be limited to 1-3 minutes per person.
Planning Department Conference Room, Kalana Pakui Building
250 South High Street, Wailuku, HI 96793
Be concise
Include supporting materials or detailed descriptions as attachments
Prepare a written summary of your oral testimony
Be respectful and courteous
Offer solutions and provide Facts
Clearly state your position at the beginning and end of your testimony
Framework for Written Testimony
STR Industry Professional:
Subject line for email: Testimony of [Your Name] Regarding the Phasing Out of Short-Term Rentals in Maui County
[example of testimony talking points click here]
STR Owner:
Subject line for email: Testimony of [Your Name] Regarding the Phasing Out of Short-Term Rentals in Maui County
[example of testimony talking points click here]
Local Business Owner (Restaurants, Tour Operators & More):
Subject line for email: Testimony of [Your Name] Regarding the Phasing Out of Short-Term Rentals in Maui County
[example of testimony talking points click here]
Do’s & Don’ts for Your Testimony
Focus on your personal experience
Write your comment down, stick to the script
Keep your oral comments short
Be respectful, thank Council for the opportunity to speak
Deviate from the prepared comment
Respond to the opposition’s message or argument
Use an impolite or disrespectful tone toward the Council
Instructions for Preparing Oral Testimony from Written Testimony
Identify Key Points:
Keep it Concise:
Structure Your Oral Testimony:
Introduction: Briefly introduce yourself and state your position.
Main Points: Select 2-3 key arguments.
Conclusion: Summarize your main points and make a final appeal.
Practice Your Delivery:
Framework for Oral Testimony
PDF of this Information